The CORE_S3 board is the first board in the CORE series of Microstorm. It is designed to be even more modular and capable than the Prototype series.

The CORE_S3 features an astonishing set of features in a mind-boggling small form factor. This board can be used in combination with an other expantion board that is designed with a specific purpose in mind. CORE_S3 functions as the brain of the operation, which happens to include some frequently used sensors and actuators.

# Features

  • 16 MB Flash
  • 8 MB PSRAM
  • 9 DOF IMU
  • WiFi & Bluetooth 5 (LE)
  • AI Accelaration
  • USB Type-C (+ Host)
  • WS2812b RGB LED
  • 3x Temperature sensor (CPU, IMU, BMP280)
  • 1x Pressure sensor
  • Arduino, CircuitPython, MicroPython, ESP-IDF

But wait... There's more! The CORE_S3 is based around the ESP32-S3 Microcontroller. This means all the features that the microcontroller provides, the CORE_S3 has as well.

# Pin Configuration

Function GPIO Description
Status-LED 13 Build-in LED that can have any function you want.
USB Detect 34 Pin that outputs a HIGH signal when module is powered via the onboard USB connector.
RGB LED 40 Build-in RGB LED (WS2812b) that can be controlled via one pin.
I2C-SDA 8 Data line of the I2C protocol
I2C-SCL 9 Clock line of the I2C protocol

# Sensors

The CORE_S3 has multiple sensors build-in that communicate over the I2C protocol (pins are defined above).


The LIS3MDL is an ultra-low-power, high-performance 3-axis magnetometer. Magnetometers can sense where the strongest magnetic force is coming from, generally used to detect magnetic north (like a compass), but can also be used for measuring magnetic fields.



The LSM6DSOWTR is a system-in-package featuring a 3D digital accelerometer and a 3D digital gyroscope with high stability over temperature and time. In fact, this sensor has the ability the measure the temperature. This value can also be read by the user.


# Temperature

The CORE_S3 has three temperature sensors onboard in. One for the CPU (ESP32-S3), one inside the IMU (LSM6DSOWTR) and one inside the BMP280. Because these sensors are located inside the chips, the temperature is nominally higher than ambient temperature. These sensors are therefore only used for monitoring the board itself. Not for monitoring the temperature of the environment. for more information about these sensors, please refer to the corresponding datasheet.

IMU Datasheet
ESP32-S3 Datasheet
BMP280 Datasheet

# Datalab

Incolaboration with the Datalab Rotterdam. We created an example of Sensor Fusion Technology and web technology combined together in a Digital Twin. Check it out here

# Links
