# 2. Setup Software

In the first part we have setup the hardware and created a neat setup to work on. Now we have to use the software to virtually make everything work together nicely.

# What You'll Need

  • AquaStorm Compute Module (Revision 2)
  • Network Switch (Ethernet)
  • Ethernet Cables
  • Computer with an ethernet connection and access to a browser

# Step 1: Connect your system

  1. Prepare the computed: First we have to connect our machine to the AquaStorm system. This can be done by connecting an ethernet cable to the switch where the entire system is is connected to.
  2. Access the interface: With our computer connected we can get access to our interface by opening a browser and navigating to the IP-address of the compute module.
  3. Exploring the interface: When everything works, you should see a screen like this:

Interface Splash Screen
Interface Splash Screen

Services: As you can see the welcome screen shows you if all the necessary services are available. If this is not the case, please wait or reboot the compute module by pressing the white button on the module.

# Step 2: Exploring the interface

  1. Overview: By pressing the enter key on your keyboard you will see the overview page of your system. Here you can view all the specifications about your system and all the modules connected to it.
  2. Navigation-bar: At the bottom your screen you see a navigation bar with different Icons.
    • Overview: As read before, this page will give you an overview of your system
    • Modules: This page will show you all the connected modules.
    • Containers: This page shows you the running containers on the Compute Module.
    • Network: Displays a network diagram of the entire system.
    • Settings: Page to configure the interface, like the theme.

# Powering On and Verification

  1. Power On: Power on both the AquaStorm Hardware Module and the AquaStorm Compute Module by turning on your power supply. All the Modules will start up automatically.

  2. Network Verification: Check the status LEDs on both modules. They should indicate a successful network connection.

  3. Access Interface: Access the AquaStorm user interface from a device connected to the same network. You should now be able to see and configure your connected hardware components through the intuitive interface provided by the Compute Module.

# Exploring the Interface

  1. Interface Overview: Navigate through the AquaStorm interface to explore the capabilities and features available for managing your industrial components.

  2. Create Interactions: Utilize the visual programming environment (Node-RED) to create interactions between different hardware components. Drag and drop modules to define how your components should communicate and respond to various conditions.

# Getting Creative

Congratulations! You've successfully connected your AquaStorm Hardware Module and Compute Module to a network switch. If you've placed them on DIN rails, you're well on your way to a neat and efficient setup. Now, unleash your creativity and design intricate industrial control systems that respond to your specific needs.

# Need Help?

If you encounter any issues during setup or have questions about utilizing AquaStorm to its full potential, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

AquaStorm - Empowering Modular Industrial Control.